November 5, 2013

Products I Need.

Hey there! Let's pretend again that I didn't just disappear for many months on this little blog and jump right in shall we?

So, as you may have guessed I'm a little beauty obsessed. I love trying new products, reading about new products to try, and popping into a Sephora (way too conveniently located) during my lunch break to peruse around and add to my wish list. Unfortunately, I do not have the funds to fulfill this slight obsession, so I just keep adding to my list. Here are the top products I'd love to buy one day...

I've sampled them all at one point, but can't wait to call them mine. Anyone a fan of any of the above?


  1. I have also been dying to try the Smashbox Photo Finish! Actually now though I really want all of them. Thanks :( haha also cannot afford it over here so we can be product-less together!

  2. 5 and 8 look heavenly. Nice Photoshop skillz. ;)
